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KMID : 0359019810010010001
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1981 Volume.1 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.7
Endoscopic Diagnosis of Primary Duodenal cancers
±è°æÈñ/Kim KH
ÀÌ»óÀÎ/¹®¿µ¸í/°­Áø°æ/¹ÚÀμ­/ÃÖÈïÀç/Lee SI/Moon YM/Kang JK/Park IS/Choi HJ
Primary cancer af the duodenum is rare. An extensive experience with fiberoptic eaophag-ogastro-duodenoscopy in our institution has indicated that duodenal cancer may be more frequent thsn suspeeted and readily diagnesed by this modality, With this in mied, clinical, pathological, diagnostic and therapeetie aspects of the 26 patients with primary duodenal cancer which had been endoscopically diugnosed were reviewed. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Ages ranged from 16 to 75, with the mean of 55.2 years. Seventeen patients were men and nine patients women being l. 9:1 of male-female ratio. 2) Hndoscoyic findings were 46. 1 percent ulcerative anld 34. 8 per cent ulcerative-infiltrative, 3) The diatribution within the duodenum was 50 per cent suprapapillary, 42. 4 per cent peri- papillary aecl 7. 6 per cent infrapapillary. 4) The twenty-three patients had adenocarcinoma, two patients leiomyosarcoma and 1 patient lymphoma. 5) Twenty patients were confirmed by duodenoseopic biipsies and six patients by operations. 6) The mast common presenting mmyliiints were abdominal pain, chronic blood lais leading anemia, jaundice, anorexia, indigestion, weight lass and palpable abdominal mass. 7) Of the 26 patients, eight patients underwent attempted curative resection, six patients underwent palliative bypasa procedures or exploratory laparotomy.
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